今早有網友在 Twitter 發文透露《瑞鎮家》狗狗「Perro」的近況,稱 BTS V 離開墨西哥前,替牠支付醫藥費和尋找棲身之所,由墨西哥當地工作人員領養,善行引起粉絲、網友稱讚,以及媒體廣泛報對。不過,韓媒最新查證後,發現內容部分並不準確,雖然「Perro」確實得到救助,但幫助牠的是《瑞鎮家》工作人員。
[INFO] A Mexican army whose mom works at the Vet shared that Perro the dog was adopted by one of the staff members that resided in Mexico.
Taehyung paid for Perro’s Vaccinations and treatment for his injured paw and made sure was looked after before he left for Korea 🥹 pic.twitter.com/gKLOgW1jEP
— TAE GUIDE (@taeguide) May 1, 2023
據《日刊體育》採訪,支付「Perro」疫苗接種費和治療腳傷的醫藥費,並不如網友所言是 BTS V,而是《瑞鎮家》製作組中的無人機攝影工作人員。某相關人士回應:「感謝大家對 Perro 的關心,幫助 Perro 的是《瑞鎮家》製作組」。
雖然 V 與 Perro 相關的善行非事實,但是一起出演《瑞鎮家》的同事們的善行給 Perro 帶來了新的狗生,因此可以作爲《瑞鎮家》的美談來觀眾記住。
V's good deed in taking care of PERRO before he left MEXICO, is now being revealed.
PERRO is the stray dog who came to become the mascot of JINNY'S KITCHEN. V took care of PERRO's vaccination & medical fees of its injured paw. PERRO was adopted by a local staff.#BTSV #V https://t.co/wTnOdBrd75 pic.twitter.com/7viZBT3eld
— KTH HYPE (@kthhype_ttg8) May 2, 2023